Catch and Release - a valuable
conservation method (page 1 of 2)
Spring salmon, estimated weight 30 lb.
is released. |
Catch & Release is effective and easy fish conservation.
Whatever species of fish you catch, releasing them is a great way of helping
to preserve the sport for others. "Others" might be you on a
different day, or it could be you when you catch the progeny of a fish
you released. More importantly it could be someone very dear to you that
benefits from your action, that gets the thrill and gains the experience.
Isn't that a nice thought?
There is fabulous trout fishing in Alberta, Montana and New Zealand. Just
a few of the places where catch and release is widely practiced. This
is not a coincidence, it is a clear illustration of how fish survive to
grow bigger, older and wiser, given the chance. These large fish are precious
spawning stock, the very best. Removing them from the system has an enormous
impact on the fecundity of the system, which means significantly less
fish for the future. The success of catch and release is doubted by some
individuals who fear that returned fish will not survive or who use that
seed of doubt as an excuse to continue killing. Others consider that angling
without killing is immoral and object to it. I see nothing immoral in
protecting and enjoying my sport and continuing to support the river and
its people.
If angling for wild trout and salmon is to survive forever we must concentrate
on conservation. Anglers must embrace conservation, they must also unite
and convince politicians that wild fish are worth saving. Leading by example
is a strong signal. Take home a picture instead of a carcass, pin it up
in the local bar, tell your friends how you helped to save fish. They
will listen, appreciate and respect you all the more for caring for the
Catch and release symbol |
Man has always been able to catch fish by more efficient
means than rod and line, but has discarded these methods because of the
enjoyment that angling gives. Angling is as much about living with and
being part of the countryside as it is about catching fish. It is the
only field sport that requires the voluntary cooperation of its quarry.
Surely it is now the turn of anglers to cooperate with the fish, to help
them to survive so that our future generations may share the wonderful
experiences that wild fish bring.
Recommended guidelines for practicing catch and release
are published on the next page. If these are
adhered to your fish will have the best possible chance of survival. Please
use them. You can estimate your fish's weight using my fish
weight 'o'meter. |