A sequence of photos demonstrating how to Double Spey cast
Well known Spey Casting instructor Alastair (Ally) Gowans demonstrates how to Double Spey cast efficiently. The Double Spey cast is the perfect cast for fishing in a downstream wind. Often when using a sinking line the process of moving the line upstream and into position eliminates the need to make a preparatory Roll cast, especially when using a shooting head. Unfortunately this cast normally requires some space to the bank side of the angler but this can be reduced significantly for Skagit and shooting heads. Spey Casting Made Easy DVD contains detailed instructions on the physics and ergonomics of most Spey casting techniques and is available for online purchase.
Double Spey Casting
Moving the line upstream to start the cast. |
Upstream move completed, ready to move the rod downstream and round the caster. |
Continuing round to begin to form a D loop. |
D loop almost fully formed. |
Forward delivery commenced. |
Cast completed. |