A sequence of photos demonstrating how to Snake Roll cast
Well known Spey Casting instructor Alastair (Ally) Gowans demonstrates how to Snake Roll cast efficiently.. The Snake Roll cast is a useful cast for fishing in a downstream wind, especially with floating lines. A preliminary Roll cast is normally necessary if the line is sunken and the Double Spey or Snap D are usually better choices. Unfortunately this cast normally requires more space than most to the bank side of the angler but this can be reduced significantly when using shooting heads. Avoid using the Snake Roll with an upstream wind, it can be very dangerous to your person. Spey Casting Made Easy DVD contains detailed instructions on the physics and ergonomics of most Spey casting techniques and is available for online purchase.
Snake Roll Cast
About to start the circle motion |
Half way through the circle |
Circle complete |
Pulling back to form a D loop |
Forward acceleration |
Cast complete |