Old age does not come by itself, it comes with the good fortune to have had a decent life span but it brings with it some problems one of which is deterioration of close vision, particularly in poor lighting conditions. In recent years I have spent some very frustrating minutes that probably accumulate into hours struggling to thread the eye of a dry fly at dusk whilst the trout were “going crazy” slashing at caddis and falling spinners but now, at long last I think that I may have found the answer to my problem in the form of a little blue wonder tool called EyeTie that allowed me to thread a #16 fly at first attempt without the need for my glasses. Quite brilliant!
Evening trout fishing
It works quite simply too. The eye of the hook is popped into a slot in the tool which is aligned with a wide funneled hole that tapers towards the hook eye giving me a big target to aim the leader for whilst the hook is ingeniously held in place by a magnet. There are three slots suitable for different hook sizes from #4 to #22 hooks. You may not be able to read the guidance lettering to advise which slot to use but use of a permanent marker pen makes recognition easier. I’m not one to have lots of tools and zingers draping from my vest, until now a pair of scissors/forceps and a hook hone has been my limit however I know that EyeTie is going to make my life a lot easier and it deserves a place in my waistcoat pocket attached by a piece of old fly line. Almost everyone who sees it wants one!